Had a great weekend, making the most of the sunshine. On Saturday we visited Riverford, to join in their annual Easter Egg Hunt. It's a fantastic afternoon, with loads of things for kids to do and see, including a walk around the farm on the Easter Egg Hunt. We also had the opportunity to learn about a Send a Cow and the work they do in Africa. Then there's the incredible cakes from the Field Kitchen, to boost flagging energy levels!
Not content with that we also took a trip to Killerton House on Easter Sunday, as it was such a beautiful day, but we did pass on the opportunity for another egg hunt. Then to round off the weekend we visited friends on Monday, and the kids had another egg hunt in the garden. So over the course of the weekend William had a fairly high egg quota, but there's a pretty strict egg embargo in place in our house, so he didn't get to sample many! Me and Charlie took care of the surplus. At his age he's oblivious, but I'm not sure we'll get away with it next year!