Monday, 29 March 2010

Customer focus - a great case study

Now, this isn't new, but I only recently came across it. It's worth sharing, because it has a really valuable lesson, that is relevant to any business, of any size:
• The importance of understanding who your target market is.

The clip lasts 5 minutes, so give yourself time to enjoy it in full!

When you've watched it, consider this. Your target market isn't always who you think it is. Who controls the budget? Who makes the decision? Who influences the decision? Who approves the decision? Make sure you spend your time, and your money, talking to the right people.

Few of us will be in a position to influence the election of the most powerful man in the world... but there is still a useful lesson we can learn and apply to our own businesses. A simple three step process:
1. Have a clear objective. (Get Barack Obama elected).
2. Have a clear strategy to achieve that objective. (Secure the elderly Jewish vote in Florida, by motivating their grandchildren).
3. Create the tools you need to implement that strategy. (A very targeted multi-media campaign).

This is a scale of activity that isn't relative to most of us. But that process of analysis and planning could be. It's time consuming. It's hard work. But is the outcome worth it? What are the objectives for your business? How important are they to you? What would you do to achieve them?

If you know what your objective is, but you don't have a strategy, get in touch. We'd be happy to have a chat with you about that. You can call us on 01392 248107 or email We always enjoy talking to ambitious businesses, so it would be great to hear from you!