So what has 2010 got to offer us? Well, it's been a beautiful start to the decade, with this fantastic sunset at Exmouth...

...but on a more practical note, what can we expect from a business perspective?
Well, without sounding too much like a self-help manual, I think the futures ours, to make what we want of it. I would say that - I'm an optimist - but we spent quite a bit of time in 2009 absorbing information from a wide range of sources, to help us understand how to take our business to where we want it to be. Now I don't think it will be easy (2009 certainly wasn't), but I do think we control our destiny - rather than the economy, the government, our competitors, our clients or anyone else we want to blame.
I have no doubt that external influences will have an impact on us, but (as an optimist) I take a positive view of this. One statement that has stuck with me from an event we went to in the summer is 'surround yourself with like-minded people'.
And we do that. Whether it's our clients (I wrote about this recently: Working with winners), or the businesses we want to partner with (I plan to write about this soon). We're looking for people with the big ideas. People with ambition. People with vision. People with passion. These are the people that we help us take our business to where we want to be - whether they're clients or partners. If you think you might be one of them I'd really like to hear from you. Just email me.
"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty." This is a great quote from Churchill (The politician, not the dog in the insurance advert), and I think this attitude is essential in business. It's not easy - but it's the difference between success and failure.
So what about you? What are your expectations for 2010? Do you see opportunities or difficulties? Is your glass half full or half empty?
Let me know. I'd be really interested to hear from you!