Wednesday, 20 January 2010

Brand tip: Stop, look and listen

January is a great time to take a long, hard look at your brand and ask yourself, 'is it going to take my business to where I want it to be?'

If the answer's 'No', now is the time to change it.

It might not be big changes, it might just be little things. But take the time to take a look. And be honest. A good starting point could be to ask these questions:
• Who are we?
• What do we do?
• How do we do it?
• Where are we going?
The answers to these questions, are the foundation of your brand. I have talked about these questions already, so you can take a look here, to put those questions into context.

So why is your brand important? Because your brand adds value - tangible value - to your business. To read more about the value of your brand, take a look at some of the other Brand Tips on our blog.

If you have any questions, email or call 01392 248107. It would be great to have a chat.