Thursday, 28 January 2010

Brand workshop - calling ambitious businesses!

On 25th March we're running our Brand to Deliver workshop. It's an exciting, 
full-day event for ambitious businesses who want a better understanding of how their brand can help them to achieve their business objectives. Are you one? Or do you know any? Clients, customers, contacts? If you do, let them know about it. It could be just what they're looking for!

Who should attend
This workshop is for any business that is experiencing, or anticipating, ‘change’. Aimed at business leaders, it will give you the tools to exploit the opportunity, or address the risk, that ‘change’ brings. A ‘change’ within your business might include:
• Launch of a new product or service
• Change in focus of existing service or product
• Acquisition of another business
• Change of target market
• Arrival of new competitors
• Change in customer behaviour

What you will learn
Through a series of practical exercises you will begin to understand what your brand is and what it can do for your business. You will learn how your brand can:
• Attract customers, by raising the profile of your business
• Increase your market share, by helping you to stand out from the crowd
• Help you to win and retain customers, by clearly communicating the benefits you offer
• Sell to your target market, by positioning your business correctly

What you will take away
You will leave the workshop with a clear understanding of:
• How your brand can support your business objectives
• How your brand can add tangible value to your business
• Activities required to achieve those results

Workshop structure
The day will be divided into two sessions. In the morning session we will identify where your business is, and where you want to go. In the afternoon session we will look at what activity you need to carry out to get there. You can choose to attend just the morning session, or the full day.

To get the maximum benefit from the day we suggest that you bring 2 delegates to the workshop (if possible), so that all the issues are looked at from more than one perspective. It’s really important that everyone feels able to talk openly and honestly about their business and their issues, so places are limited to only one company from any particular business sector. To maximise the interactivity of the day, there is only room for 8 companies on the workshop.

Supplementary, pre-workshop consultancy is available, to help us understand the specific issues relevant to your businesses, so that elements of the workshop content can be tailored to meet your needs. In this way we can maximise the benefit of the workshop for you. This consultancy is carried out by telephone, and is an additional cost (contact us for more details).

Time, venue and cost
Thursday 25 March 2010, 9.15am to 5pm
The Garden Suite, Buckerell Lodge Hotel, Topsham Road, Exeter, EX2 4SQ
For details of the cost, call or email - details below.

If you'd like to have a chat about the workshop or book a place, call us on 01392 248107 or email

This is some feedback from a similar event we held last year:
Thought provoking and good exercises for stepping back from your business and 
re-evaluating where your brand is and where to take it.”

Julie Cotgrave

Managing Director, Target Search & Selection Ltd

Very clear explanation of the importance and application of branding.”

Nigel Wilkinson
Managing Director, WNW Design