Friday, 29 January 2010

Learn from the experts

On Wednesday afternoon I ran a workshop, for businesses that want to make the most of their green credentials. I was invited to take part in the event - part of a larger, on-going programme - by Global Action Plan. The workshop took place at Exeter University, with the audience made up of businesses who are suppliers to various local public sector bodies.

I looked at various issues around green credentials; the benefits, things to be wary of, and a case study from a great example of communicating green credentials - Marks & Spencers Plan A. It is a really interesting example, so I wanted to share the best bits. If you're not familiar with Plan A, take a look at the website. It's really engaging and full of information.

So, what can we learn?
Make your activities specific to your business
M&S identified five key areas within their business, and have focused all of their activity around them.

Tell people what you're doing
The promotion for Plan A began with its launch in 2007. They didn't wait until they'd finished something. They came out and said 'This is what we're going to do'. It's a very courageous approach - and also a great motivator; if you've told everyone you're going to do it, you can hardly give up halfway!

You don’t need accreditation (but you do need honesty)
M&S didn't wait until they had a badge in place to prove what they were doing. They are simply very open and transparent about it - anybody can see what their objectives are, and what they have achieved, on the website.

Look at your whole business
Plan A isn't about greening one particular aspect of M&S, it covers everything: products, staff, premises, even customers!

There is a business case for sustainability
Some companies argue that in difficult economic circumstances sustainability has to take a back seat. Plan A demonstrates the value of a sustainable business model. After only two and a half years of the five year plan, the savings achieved through Plan A have covered the costs of implementing it. It's now 'cash-positive': everything is profit.

They are still the ‘same’ company
When M&S launched Plan A they didn't begin selling different 'green' products to a new 'green' audience. They carried on selling the same products to the same people - they just made the whole process greener, by taking out the bad bits, wherever they found them. They still the same company now as they have always been. Just greener.

So if you're interested in making your business more sustainable, I'd recommend taking a look at the Plan A site, to see if you could apply some of their ideas to your business. If you'd like help, I suggest you contact Global Action Plan. We'd be happy to put you in touch.

If you've already 'greened' your business, but you're not telling people about it, we'd be happy to have a chat. Call us on 01392 248107, or email