Monday, 1 February 2010

Be remarkable!

I want to share this video, because it discusses ideas that are absolutely central to branding and what we do. Now, I must confess, this isn't something new - it's seven years old - but the ideas that Seth Godin talks about are as relevant today as they were seven years ago. (For anyone who's not familiar with him, he writes a lot of interesting stuff about marketing. You can read his blog or just Google his name, to find out more).

If you've got 17 minutes, take a look, because there are some really useful lessons to take from it - especially if you're planning on launching a new product or a new business venture.

These are my highlights, which I want to share, because they can add value to any business.

Get your ideas to spread
This is great, because it should be at the heart of every brand. Your brand should tell people: who you are; what you do; how you do it; and where you're going. 'What you do' is all about getting your ideas to spread. It's not enough to be great at what you do. You have to tell people why that's a benefit to them. You have to spread the idea - you have to spread what the benefit is. That's what people are interested in: Not what you do, but the benefit. So the successful business is the one that communicates most effectively, not necessarily the one with the best product or service. The most effective brand wins.

Are you remarkable?
Whether it's your product or your company, do you stand out? Are you so different that people talk about you? It doesn't matter whether it's the packaging of your products, or the quality of the service you provide, make it remarkable. Make it something that catches peoples attention, and more importantly, catches their emotion. Make it something they fall in love with, because you can be sure they'll tell others. Your brand should make you remarkable - in every area of your business - so that no matter how someone comes into contact with your company, they find you remarkable.

If you'd like to have a chat about spreading your ideas or making your business remarkable, call us on 01392 248107 or email