Friday, 12 February 2010

Put your customers first...

...and the rest will follow.

Without your customers you don't have a business. So why is it so difficult for companies to build a customer focused business - supported by a customer focused brand?

On Thursday evening we took a look at a few simple steps to do just that. It was the third event in our Brand to Deliver seminar series, where we look at a different aspect of branding at each event. In the two previous events we have looked at Brand Value and Giving your business personality. To set the scene for the evening I used this quote:

“In the factory we make cosmetics, 
in the stores we sell hope!”
Charles Revson, Revlon

I love the clarity of that statement, a clear understanding of what the customers are buying from them. The aim of the seminar was to help our guests take a look at their own business, and think about exactly what it is that they sell.

We began by taking a look at the role brand plays in a business - winning new customers and retaining existing ones - then discussed the brand communication cycle. We divided the process in two, and identified what you control, and what you can only influence. A valuable lesson to learn to avoid unnecessary frustration and wasted energy!

My presentation focused on three main points:
Q: When do you engage with your customers?
A: Every time they come into contact with your business.

Q: How do you engage with your customers?
A: Emotionally. How do you want your customers to feel when they do business with you? (The advert from BMW, below, is a great example).

Q: Why is a customer focused brand valuable?
A: A customer focused brand creates brand loyal customers. Loyal customers make repeat purchases and act as advocates for your brand.

For this seminar we had invited Guy Arnold, an expert in 'customer delight', to join us and explain the four steps to achieving greatness in an organisation. A simple explanation is this:
1/ Find your 'Customer Focused Mission' - what are you in business for?
2/ Know what your customer really wants - it's not what you think it is!
3/ Go the extra inch - an extra mile is unsustainable, but an extra inch is possible on all things at all times.
4/ Measure - How well are you doing 1-3?
You can find out more about Guy's work here.

If you would like to know more about developing a customer focused brand, and why that would be valuable to your business, call us on 01392 248107 or email

Places for each seminar are by invitation only, and are limited, but if you'd like an invitation to the next Brand to Deliver seminar, do get in touch and we'll add you to the list.