Monday, 8 February 2010

And the winner is...

Our relationship with our clients is quite simple really: we work with companies to help them achieve their business objectives. So it's always exciting when that happens - and this week it has! We heard this week that YouGen were winners at the Green Web Awards! You can find out more about the Green Web Awards here.

We started working with YouGen two years ago, developing their visual identity and brand, then working with Optix Solutions to apply the brand to their website. You can read more about developing the YouGen brand here, and applying the brand to the website here.

We like working with ambitious businesses - again, I wrote about this earlier - and YouGen, and their success, is a great example of this. It's exciting to harness that ambition and channel it into a brand that will help to take the business where they want to go.

It's also exciting to work with like-minded partners, like Optix Solutions, where you share a desire to help the client succeed, and a recognition of the skills and experience that you each bring to the project. For us it was great to see the brand come to life online - and winning the Green Web Award is a testament to the quality of the site.

If you'd like to talk to us about what your brand should be doing for your business, call us on 01392 248107, or email