Monday, 15 March 2010

Charity begins... with a logo

I came across an interesting article - and survey - from the US, regarding charities and promotion. You can see the article here. The focus is on the benefit to businesses of supporting charities, but I was particularly interested in the statistics about capturing customer attention.

What captures consumer interest the most?
Special event or time period: 81%
Distinctive logo or colour: 79%
Connection with celebrity: 61%

It's really interesting to see the importance of brand in helping to engage with potential supporters. Charities - and other non-profit organisations - are in the same position as businesses. They are in a competitive market, and need to work hard to secure their slice of that market. I know from experience that some people feel branding is a commercial tool or activity, and out of place in the non-profit sector, which seems to show incredible naivety.

Certainly one of our clients, Hospiscare, who provide care and support for people with terminal illness and their families, recognise the need for a strong recognisable brand. We began working with them in 2007 to help them bring consistency to their communication material and they continue to look at opportunities to raise their profile. You can follow Amy Kilburn from Hospiscare on Twitter for example: @AmyHospiscare

But I'd be really interested to know the views and opinions of other charities on the role of their brand and identity. If there's anything you'd like to say, please leave a comment below.

If you'd like to find out more about the role you brand can play for your organisation, you might be interested in our Brand to Deliver seminar, which is running next week. If you would like to have a chat about your brand, or the challenges you face, call us on 0192 248107, or email It would be great to hear from you.