Friday, 14 May 2010

Brand tip: Stand up to stand out

The business with the highest profile, has the opportunity to bring in the highest volume of business leads. In a competitive market that can be a great advantage.

Your brand is a great tool for raising your profile, and there are a couple of ways it can do it.

Your visual identity
This is more than just your logo. It's all of the core elements; logo, colour, typeface, imagery, tone of voice and design style. Using all of these elements consistently will create a strong foundation for all of your subsequent communications with your audience.

Using the right channels
Is your target audience listening? There's no point creating a consistent communication strategy if you're talking to the wrong people. To raise your profile with your target audience, find out what communication channels will reach them - Direct mail? Press ads? Social Media? - and use them. You can ignore everything else.

If you're interested in creating more new business leads and want to know more about raising your profile, call us on 01392 248107, or email