Tuesday, 18 May 2010

Brand tip: Brand new friend

There are plenty of opportunities to fail. Plenty of opportunities to make a mistake. For a business, the road to success is full of potholes. Your mistake might not cost you billions of dollars like BP, but what would it cost you if you lost your best customer?

While you do the sums, think about this: You're not alone. Your brand will break the fall. Whether it's just a late delivery, or a mistake in the bill, there are lots of ways your brand can help.

Your brand's not just ONE thing, it's a combination of several. There are four brand 'touch points' (opportunities to engage with your audience): Your product or service; Your people; Your communication; Your working environment. If you make a mistake in one area, you can try and compensate in the others.

Make sure you have emotional with your customers. How do your customers feel about your products or service? Like any relationship, if they care enough about your product or service, they will be more willing to forgive your short-comings. Your brand is the key to emotional engagement.

Identify your target customers and focus your activity and budget on them. These are the customers who will take your business where you want to go, so make sure your brand caters for them, through all of the 'touch points'. What do they need?

So remember, if you look after your brand, it will be able to look after you.

Click here to read more of our Brand Tips.

If you'd like to learn more about what your brand can do for your business, call us on 01392 248107 or email jonathan@alderandalder.co.uk.