Wednesday 30 March 2011

All change! New logo for Eurostar

Following on from last weeks post about when to change your logo, a perfectly timed case study from Eurostar!

Yesterday Eurostar announced that they will be launching a new logo (above, right) on April 5th. (You can read the article from Marketing Week here). The thing that's interesting is not how they have changed the logo, but why. In my last post I talked about Proactive change - and this is a great example.

Changes in European law have created opportunities for Eurostar to offer new services. Through partnerships with other rail operators they can offer new destinations, and begin to compete with short-haul airlines. There are new business opportunities to be exploited. So to reflect these changes - and other developments in their service - they have decide to develop their brand.

The image that the old logo was communicating was no longer relevant to the business - it was time to change.

Change is always a risk, but it is also a great opportunity.