Monday, 1 March 2010

Like Minds 2010 - brand lesson #1

The Like Minds conference on Friday was a great day, with lots of great speakers and great insight. If you want to find out more about the rest of the day there is some good comment here from John Bell, James Whatley and Gemma Went - and you can even see it here! But I just want to talk - briefly - about some specific bits, where the whole issue of brand and social media came together. So this is the first.

Now, the day's theme was People-to-people, which was especially interesting for me, following on from our recent seminar on How to build a customer-focused brand. And Jonathan Akwue, who kicked the day off, made a great point, which is relevant offline as well as online. When you're delivering to your audience - products or services - do it in their space, not yours. If you want your audience to engage with you, go and find them, and give them something that is genuinely valuable to them. Pull them to you, don't try and push them.

That's what your brand is there for; to create an emotional link to your audience that will pull them towards you (and away from your competitors).

If you want to talk about what that means for your business, call us on 01392 248107 or email You might also be interested in our Brand to Deliver workshop, which will give ambitious companies the opportunity to develop some practical actions for their business.